Kazan is a fifth-largest (~1.25 mln. citizens) and rapidly developing city in Russia. It is located on the left, Asian bank of the Volga river and has more than 1000-year history (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazan). Established in 1804, Kazan Imperial University was responsible in the Russian Empire for the higher education and science in the semi-infinite lands from the Volga river to Kamchatka. Nowadays, Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, multinational and multiconfessional region of Russia characterized by highly developed industrial and agricultural sectors of economy. Kazan city accommodates numerous universities including historical Kazan Federal University, Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan State Medical University, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, etc, as well as Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. The region features the continental climate with the temperature span from -30 to +35C. The time zone of Kazan is UTC+3 (Moscow time three hours ahead of Greenwich).
International Airport Tukai in Kazan is connected by direct flights with many cities of EU (temporarily suspended) and Asia, many connecting flights are available via Moscow.
The city is 800 kilometers east from Moscow (1 hr of flight). There are more than 500 hotels and hostels for accommodation in Kazan, most of them are available via booking systems. The sessions of the EASTMAG-2022 from August 22 till 26 will be arranged at the Grand Hotel Kazan and the Regina hotel, Peterburgskaya Str. 1 and 11, respectively.
The opening ceremony on Monday, August 22, 2022, will be organized at the Cultural and Sport Center “UNICS” of Kazan Federal University (Professor Nuzhin str. 2, about 10 minutes’ walk from the Grand Hotel Kazan). The registration will be organized at the Grand Hotel Kazan. The schedule for the first day of the EASTMAG-2022 is given in the Program. The interactive map and travel route from the Grand Hotel Kazan to the Cultural and Sport Center “UNICS” is available here1 and in the Program booklet.
Location of the Symposium on the city map:
Please, find the information, how to reach the EASTMAG-2022 Symposium venue (Grand Hotel Kazan) by the public transportation here1.
The spots for lunch or dinner nearby the Symposium venue are posted here2 (EXEL file can be downloaded here).